
Friday 20 August 2021

Maths: WALA: The diameter, radius, circumference of a circle

Maths results

Today we answered some questions online and at the end, we played a cool little bonus math game. The questions were about circles, you're probably wondering what did you do with circles. Well to answer that question we had to try to find the circumference and the area of the circle. For example, to find the circumference we have to know the most important part of finding the circumference and that is pi, pi is approximately 3.14. So since you know what pi is I will tell you what the diameter and radius are, the diameter is a line halving the circle and the radius is half of the diameter. now you know what pi, radius, and diameter now we can find the circumference. So the first thing to do is to multiply pi from the diameter, or because the diameter is 2 times the radius you could do radius times 2 times pi. For example, we have a circle with a diameter of 10 meters, to find the circumference we need to times the diameter which is 10 by pi which is 3.14 then we get 31.4, so the circumference of the circle is 31.4 meters. For the bonus game, we played a game about dogs, we had to convert the fractions into decimals and the more you get the faster you go, I know right pretty of the topic. But anyway thanks for reading and see you in the next one.

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