
Friday 28 August 2020


 Zebrafish text:

New words: .

  • Anatomy- study of the body.

  • Post-fertilization  - after the boy part and girl part come together to make a baby (when the cells combine)

  • Himalayas - mountain range that separates China and India

  • Embryo - a group of cells that turn into a baby or egg

  • Genetic - relating to your DNA

  • Himalayas - A country that has a lot of Mountains

  • Ganges  - a long river in India

  • Organs - body parts

  • Juvenile - child/teenager

  •   Sections - slices  

  • Stained with dyes - putting different coloured liquids onto it so you can see different parts 

  • Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

  • Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

  •  Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.

Main ideas in our own words:

Davlyn - The zebrafish lives in india rivers. Scientists like studying zebrafish because they don’t take that long to hatch or take long to grow up but with humans we take long to grow up, they also like to study them because the zebrafish are transparent so the scientist see inside it. The zebrafish eggs are called embryos; the egg has three layers: the single cell, the yolk and the protective membrane. It takes 2 to 3 days for the egg to hatch and it’s lifespan is 2 to 7 years. To see the inside of the zebrafish they cut the fish to see what is inside of the zebrafish, they cut the zebrafish in 3 different ways, Coronal means cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back, Transverse means cutting in half horizontally E.g. cutting the head off the body, Sagittal means cutting in half and vertically E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side. Different types of dye to see different body parts like the eyes then the scientists takes pictures.

This is a 3 day old fish, cut in the coronal way. The top part looks like it is the brain and the bottom looks like that is going to be the tail.

this a three day old transverse cut zebrafish. The center part will become the brain the and the two holes on the side will become the eyes.

Linear equations intro


Linear equations Tuesday


Tuesday 18 August 2020

The fragile web of life transcript


Transcript from YouTube: Amazing circle of Life - The Fragile Web

Life first emerged in the oceans nearly three and a half billion years ago. Water, air, light and energy - these are the elements that made life possible.  About 425 million years ago life began moving from sea to land.  Vegetation covered the earth.   Over millions of years an amazing variety of habitats and ecosystems developed. This enabled the diversity of life forms to proliferate on our planet.  From tiny microbes invisible to the eye to enormous giants of the oceans, the richness and variety of life is astounding. Because of the diverse climates and landscapes, different species evolved to survive and thrive in different habitats.

In spite of diverse ecosystems, the earth is a unified pulsating living system in which all beings are connected together. For millions of years species have evolved - as allies, adversaries and enemies… developing strategies to adapt, survive and reproduce.  Breeding time and behaviour and even the number of offspring produced is all part of nature’s intricate design. Top predators like lions and tigers produce only two or three offspring every few years. Having no predators above them, their survival is  ensured. Species lower in the food chain breed more often and produce more babies. The higher number ensure the survival of at least a few. The majority become food resource for other species.

Every species and life form has been designed with a specific purpose and plays a crucial role  in maintaining a healthy and vibrant ecosystem. Even the tiny bee is as important as the tiger and vital for the survival of all other life forms on earth, including man. If the bee and other pollinators disappear, the tiger will vanish within a year. Man will disappear in three years and all other life on earth will soon follow.

In the mindless race for progress, man is creating a new world, transforming the whole planet as he plunders it. We have ravaged our forests, polluted our water systems, poisoned our air, altered our environment, impacting climate and pushing thousands of species to the brink of extinction and beyond. Almost 300 species are disappearing each day.  Mankind may have triggered the next mass extinction. Our planet has never before witnessed an extinction of this speed and magnitude. Never before has just one species been responsible for the destruction of so many others. According to scientists, within the next 30 years, one-fifth of all living species could go extinct. Species that have evolved over millions of years will vanish in a few decades. A global  tragedy is unfolding right before our eyes.

Extinction is an irreversible process. Species that go extinct will be lost forever, never to return.  A once vibrant living planet has been plundered and destroyed.  In our haste we have forgotten that we are not the supreme commanders of the earth but only a strand in the delicate web of life.  Our own survival and evolution depends on learning to share this planet with other creatures that have been here millions of years before us.  

If mankind is the cause, it can also be the solution. Just as we have the ability damage and destroy, we also have within us the ability to protect and conserve and learn from our mistakes and once again learn to live in harmony with nature. The future of this fragile planet, our home, is in our hands.

meaning of highlighted words:

vegetation means all the same plants that grow together

diversity means understanding that we are all different in our own unique ways

proliferate means when something keeps multiplying rapidly in a short amount of time

diverse means that it is different than the others

pulsating is like when you blow into a balloon and breath in then breathe out

adversaries is your enemies 

offspring is a child

crucial is a important thing you have to do 

pollinators are the animals that can move the pollen from the male part of the plant to the female part of the same plant or different plant

plunders is when you steal money 

magnitude is used for measurement

vibrant full of life and energy

Transcript from YouTube: Amazing circle of Life - The Fragile

Monday 10 August 2020



Room 8’s graph interpretation

Rosie and Chanel - 15 year olds don’t get bullied as much as Year 9’s.

Kymani and Boston - Year 5’s get physically hurt the most.

Kordell and Saia - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names. 

Eve and Lemeki - Year 9’s are called names equal amount to year 5’s. 

Nitika and Litia - No 15 year olds reported they had been made to do things they don’t want to do. 

Stanley - 15 year olds get bullied the least because they are more mature. 

Mariah - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names BECAUSE their younger. 

Michael and Wesley - Year 5’s get bullied more than Year 9’s or 15 year olds.

Hope and Maria - Only year 9’s reported that they had embarrassing things posted about them online. 

Ana and Senitila -  15 year olds are not being pushed around to do things.

Fereti and Mathew - More year 5’s feel left out of games than Year 9’s and 15 year olds.

Railey and Davlyn - 60% of YEar 5’s reported that they have been bullied in some kind of way.


100% of Year 5’s have been bullied. False

0% of 15 year olds reported they had something embarrassing posted about them online. True

More than 20% of Year 5’s reported having something stolen from them.  True

50% of  YEar 9’s have been bullied. True

20% of YEar 9’s reported they have been purposefully left out of games.  True

Friday 7 August 2020

Humans and Monkeys information report


There are many ways that monkeys and humans are the same and there we have many differences. Some sciences discovered about 7 million years ago we were monkeys then we evolved into humans.


Humans and monkeys have a lot of similarities. We are both mammals. So that means we are both warm blooded which means we both need to stay warm or else we can freeze to death, but other animals like snakes sharks etc are cold blooded also mammals are the only things that can sweat so we can die from overheating. Monkeys and humans also have opposable thumbs which means we can use our thumbs for tools like utensils. We both also communicate in our own languages monkeys speak in their own language and humans speak in their own. Monkeys and humans both live in family groups so they help each other and support their family. We also clean each other so when you're a baby your parents will clean you. We both have two legs, skin, fur, fingers, toes and lungs. We both go on vegetable diets, humans used to be herbivores which means we only eat vegetables, but then we evolved so now we are omnivores because we eat meat and vegetables.


Monkeys and Humans are not completely the same, we have some differences as well. One of them is that humans have very developed brains. Monkeys are better than humans at climbing because they have different hands and they also have a tail and they also have a longer arm span. We also have different habitats. We live inside a house but monkeys live in a forest or a jungle. We both eat differently, Humans are carnivores, monkeys eat both vegetables and meat, wbut we eat our food cooked but monkeys eat it raw.  We both also have different lifespans: Humans lifespan=82yrs, Apes lifespan=39yrs, Gorilla lifespan=35-40yrs, Orangutan lifespan=35-45yrs, Chimpanzee lifespan=39yrs, Baboon lifespan=35-45yrs, Spider monkey lifespan=30-40yrs

Mandrill life span=20yrs


DNA is in your body, every living thing has it like humans, birds, dogs, cats, etc.  You get your DNA from your parents but it is not exactly the same. Your DNA is made up of 4 letters A, C, T, and G. They make up your DNA, holding it all together is a double helix. A helix is a spiral thing; a double helix is two of those. You have genes in your DNA. Your DNA is in your chromosomes and your chromosomes are in your cells. You have around 100 trillion cells in your body. There are different types of cells like skin cells, muscle cells, etc. When you get cut or your skin dies your skin cells come off but your body automatically regenerates it so you will never lose your cells. 

Also you have 23 pairs of chromosomes which means you have 46 in total and monkeys generally have 48 chromosomes and it has more chromosomes than humans they have 2 more than humans. Also cells hold your chromosomes, your chromosomes hold your DNA and your DNA holds your genes.


In conclusion monkeys and humans are nearly the same but our DNA is different so we both are different species.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

5 things that make inaccurate

one way of tricking you is not adding the 0.
another way to trick you is having numbers that are way to big on the y axis.
they take out the outliers so the graph looks better.
using the wrong graph could be bad because if you can not use a pie chart.
Going against convention means doing things not in the normal-E.G. having to mean stop and red means go.