
Friday 16 October 2020


 School camp is a great way for kids to take a break from technology and school. It is better to go to camp so you can build better relationships and get new friends and also you can bond more with your friends. They also give you a lot of food and it is very yummy. They also give you desert. They also take you on fun activities. On the bus we were allowed to bring some lollies to eat on the bus or to eat at the camp.

When you go camping you are not allowed to bring any electronics to camp only the adults can, so that means you can have a break from all the social media and other games. When you have no electronics you have to go to whoever you want to talk to and talk face to face. You also get to meet new people and go on heaps of walks like to the beach walks, night walks and bush walks, they also get to play around with your friends and get to make new friends. 

They give you some very yummy food like hot dogs, nachos and other food but the desert is yummy. They give you stuff like chocolate fudge and chocolate mousse and it is for free. Best of all it the activities there are some very call activities like archery, air rifles and kayaking. But the worst thing that can happen is it will rain on the day when all the fun stuff will happen. That's what happened to my camp. We missed out on air rifles and archery. So when it rained we had to stay inside but we got to watch movies and listen to music and do inside activities. We also got to roast some marshmallows in the fire and then we got to eat it but first we needed to go outside and get some sticks so we could put the marshmallows on it so we don’t burn ourselves.

For some people it is their first time in their own cabins or dorms but you have to bring your own blankets and pillows you were allowed to bring sleeping bags. Before we went to sleep we got to eat some lollies we brang from home or we were allowed to talk. We had to get in bed at a certain time then you're allowed to talk then you have to go to sleep. 

On some activities it said no go, go or wait, no go means you are not allowed to go there. Go means you are allowed to go at any time and wait means you need to wait for an adult to come and let you go. 

I think camp is good for kids because they get a break from so many things and they also get to make new friends and meet new people and your bond with your old friends will get stronger and you can learn new things and do new things, for example I learnt that not all the jellyfish will sting you.

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