
Thursday 28 June 2018

Fairytale introductions

Once upon a time
One sunny day
One beautiful bright sunny day
One marvelous day
One horrible rainy day
In a faraway land
In the deepest ocean
In the darkest prison
Far far away
In a dark forest
In a vast desert
In a creepy dungeon
In the scary woods
In a haunted house
In a movie set
In a creepy maze
In a wonderful school
In a small town

There was
A beautiful girl
An old man
Royal family
A wise girl
A handsome man
A traveller
A scary monster
A butler
Handsome prince
beautiful queen
Creepy clown
Young princess
Royal king
Famous celebrity
A gangster bodyguard
A music producer
A sad servant
A sneaky thief
Who was Lost
Enormously rich
Who lived in a cottage
Who had 6 sons and 6 daughters
Had a glass eyeball
Had a ginormous family
Lived in las vegas
Who had robotic legs
Who was a marvellous actor
Who only ever had onions
Who was a robber
Who lived on the streets
Part time DJ part time spy
Who had only leg
Who was a murderer
Who was a huge nerd
Who had one fat eye.

One horrible rainy day there was one little kid that lived in a cottage he had a robotic leg and a glass leg. He used to live in a big castle then he got lost in the woods so every day he went out and picked onions to eat everyday. He had a robotic leg because when he get lost he fall over and cut his leg of from the sharp thorns, also his glass eye is from the same thing bye falling on the thorn.
One great sony day there was a littel kid that lived in a very big castile. Then once she wanted to go on for a walk she saw a very freaky clown that chased her all the way back to the castle.

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