
Thursday 20 September 2018



How do Earthquakes happen:
Earthquakes mostly happen when two tectonic plates collide together. When they collide it makes the ground shake and it can make the crust go up and creates new mountains. The most dangerous place to be when earthquakes happen is on or near the epicenter. The closer you are to the epicenter, the more damage the earthquake causes, compared to other people that are further from the epicenter. If you are far from the epicenter you will have a higher chance of being safe from shockwaves.

Hard words:
Collide: (collide is when tectonic plates fight for the top like the game get on top) shockwave (shockwave are what makes the ground shakes)

What is going to be After:
After an earthquake is a big impact It is so unpredictable because it can destroy buildings or kill people or animals. Anything near the epicentre of the earthquake will have a bigger impact than something far away. After an earthquake, there are aftershocks which are small earthquakes that lessen over time. After an earthquake could be extremely dangerous, because it can leave heaps of cracks in the ground that could break your ankle by falling down the crack.

hard Words:
epicentre (the epicentre middle of the earthquake) extremely dangerous (extremely dangerous is when it is very dangerous)

Tsunamis can be caused the same way as earthquakes with 2 tectonic plates fighting. That is why when you have a big earthquake you should be expecting a big tsunami I got that form a school journal.


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