
Tuesday 5 May 2020

davlyns tutriol to make a paper plane


  1. Awesome job davly,
    This will definitely help me if i forget how to make a paper plane.

    Keep up your fantastic work!

  2. Great Davlyn!
    Sometimes I forget how to make a paper plane but now I remember because I can just watch this video.
    Keep it up!

  3. great job davlyn i really like the way you showed it

  4. Hi davlyn, I really like your instructions on how to make a paper airplane because I usually never know how to make but thanks for the very impressive video about the airplane. Next time you should add an description about why did you blog about making a paper plane ! Anyways Terffic job Davyln for making a good poster about Paper Planes.
    - Lily.U

  5. i really like how you show it

  6. Hey Davlyn, love the detail you have here. You didn't just say "fold it", but instead you said "fold it in half vertically". Later you said "fold in towards yourself", "fold both wings", These details make it much easier to follow. Great work!
