
Friday 24 May 2019

The great epidemic flu of 1918 reflection

Today I reflect on one of my stories to see whether I have made any progress. Each week I will reflect and work on it in the following week because I want to achieve L3 at the end of the year.

1918-1919 influenza pandemic was the most devastating thing in history. In the world war, 1 nine million people got killed around the world. Some people in the war had the great epidemic flu, it raged around the world in 1918.

Although the Medical experts attempted to keep the viruses away. The arrival of the SS Niagara brought many cases of sickness with them, Also a crew member on the ship died. Some people blamed them for carrying the flu with them.

After that, The Health Department gave sick people small bottles of Stout, Whisky and Brandy to ease the pain. But it did not cure the sickness. There were emergency kitchens for the families that were not well enough to make their own food. A lot of the doctors were still coming on the ships because of the war.

Towns become ghost towns because of the epidemic flu killing everybody. Trains stopped running, Many Theatres, Schools, Shops and Churches were closed.

Kidspeak progressions
Ideas: (deeper feature)
I can:
• understand the purpose for writing
• write content relevant to the task
• identify writing processes that are
appropriate for that purpose
• support my ideas with detail
Structure and Language: (deeper
I can:
use personal voice to add effect
use language that is suitable to the topic,
audience and purpose.
• use a text structure that is appropriate to
the purpose e.g., an orientation, a problem,
a climax, and a satisfying
resolution (for a narrative)
Organisation: (deeper feature)
I can:
organise related ideas into paragraphs
• use linking words and phrases to link some
of my paragraphs
Vocabulary: (deeper feature)
I can:
• use a range of written features to engage
the audience; e.g. metaphors, similes,
use visual language features to engage the
audience; visual diagrams such as
headings, charts or maps
• communicate precise meaning related to
the topic.
Sentence Structure: (surface
I can:
• use simple and compound sentences with
a variety of
o beginnings
o lengths
o structures
• use some complex sentences to create
pace, flow and interest
make sure that most of my writing is
grammatically correct eg. tense, subject-verb
agreement, consistent use of
pronouns, correct use of prepositions.
• use a variety of words to link events; later,
following, after that
Spelling: (surface feature)
I can:
• write all the basic sound and spelling
patterns using knowledge of;
o phoneme–grapheme relationships
o reliable spelling rules and
o meanings and spellings of
o word derivations
Punctuation: (surface feature)
I can:
Use basic punctuation that is mostly
o use capital letters, full stops and
o use question marks and
exclamation marks,
o use apostrophes,
o use speech marks
attempt more difficult punctuation;
e.g. apostrophes for possession, commas
for clauses, or semicolons)
Writing Processes:
I can:
plan my writing using a variety of methods
depending on purpose; flow charts, graphic
• independently revise and rework my writing
by: inserting and adding detail, crossing
out unnecessary parts, using a
• give and respond to feedback
proofread to check for spelling, grammar
and punctuation.
• can present work in a wide range of
appropriate forms (digital and visual media)

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