
Tuesday 4 July 2017

Information report

Break fast is the most important meal of the day. Do you know why? Because it gives us energy for the day and if you don't have breakfast you will not have any  energy. It's like a car without any fuel and you know what happens if you have no fuel you don’t go. Breakfast also helps your brain wake up. If you skip your breakfast your brain will stay asleep.

If you have junk food like a doughnut, its fuel but its does not last long. Instead it will fill your stomach with sugar and fats. These are not good for you because the sugar will rush to your brain and  make you not think and learn.

If you have the same thing every day you will not get other nutrients you will get the same nutrients every day. If you don’t have the same breakfast every day you will have lots of nutrients. So it's important to include the 4 major food groups in your breakfast. The 4 major food groups are proteins, fruit and vegetables, bread and cereal milk and milk products. The fifth food group is fats and sugars. We should have the least of this group.

You should look at the labels before you buy it. If you don't it might be expired and it might have too much sugar.

It is important to have a healthy breakfast.

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